Say goodbye to the tedious task of sifting through voluminous medical records and embrace a future where critical patient information is succinctly summarized and readily accessible, all at your fingertips.

Let's Get Started

Improved Physician Focus

With a scribe handling documentation, physicians can focus more on the patient during the consultation. This increased attention can lead to a more thorough examination, better patient-physician communication, and more accurate diagnoses.

Enhanced Efficiency

Scribes can improve the efficiency of a medical practice by allowing physicians to see more patients in the same amount of time. This can be particularly beneficial in high-volume settings like emergency departments, where timely care is crucial.

Reduced Physician Burnout

By reducing the administrative load, scribes can help mitigate physician burnout, which is associated with decreased quality of care and increased medical errors.

Better Compliance and Documentation

Scribes can help ensure that medical records are complete, accurate, and compliant with legal requirements, which can be critical for patient care, especially for complex cases requiring multi-disciplinary involvement.

Happy Residents

Problems that physicians face today with documentation

Physicians often spend a significant amount of time on documentation, including entering data into Electronic Health Records (EHRs), writing notes, and completing administrative tasks. The exact amount of time can vary widely depending on the specialty, the complexity of the case, and the EHR system in use. However, several studies and surveys provide some insights into the average time spent on documentation:


EHR Interaction


After-Hours Work


Primary Care




Administrative Burden


Impact on Patient Care

About ScribeRunner

ScribeRunner provides a robust, HIPAA-compliant platform designed to streamline the documentation process for healthcare providers. By automating this crucial yet time-consuming task, our solution empowers physicians to optimize their workday, enabling them to focus on delivering exceptional patient care. The efficiency gains extend beyond the clinic, liberating doctors from after-hours charting and enhancing work-life balance. Moreover, timely and accurate documentation facilitates prompt billing, accelerating revenue cycles for medical practices. Most importantly, our virtual scribe service contributes to improved patient outcomes by allowing physicians to direct their full attention where it matters most—on patient care.

Services We Offer

ScribeRunner provides a robust, HIPAA-compliant platform designed to streamline the documentation process for healthcare providers. By automating this crucial yet time-consuming task, our solution empowers physicians to optimize their workday

Virtual Medical Assistant

A virtual medical assistant (VMA) is a sophisticated technology designed to streamline and enhance various aspects of medical office management, ultimately improving overall efficiency and patient care. Here’s a comprehensive description of how a virtual medical assistant can benefit your medical office

Scribe Service

ScribeRunner’s Scribe Service for physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) providers is a groundbreaking solution designed to revolutionize and streamline documentation processes at rehabilitation facilities. What sets ScribeRunner apart is its unique approach, employing skilled Medical Doctors (MDs) as scribes.

Revenue Cycle Management

A Revenue Cycle Management Assistant is a valuable tool that can significantly enhance the financial efficiency and overall success of your medical office. Here’s a comprehensive description of how such an assistant can contribute to the success of your revenue cycle management


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Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

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Jhon Smith, CEO @ Labib Digital Studio

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Thomson Polan, CEO @ Caramal Digital Studio